When I first started my Norse team, I was thinking about buying a marauder box and then some bitz from the marauder horsemen box to make some cool conversions. After deciding what I wanted from the horsemen box, it was clear that from most bitz vendors, the price was getting incredibly close to the price of buying a brand new box. This gave me an idea.
I decided I would buy the boxes and sell off the bitz that I didn't need afterwards in an attempt to at least partially make my money back. And then I set myself a challenge. The No-Cost Norse challenge. In which I attempt to prove that it's possible to spend nothing on a team's worth of Blood Bowl models if you sell the useless bitz on eBay afterwards. It may take a while because I'm still building the lads so I don't know which bitz I'll sell or not. But I'll keep this page updated as I go.
Here's the costs so far:
Chaos Marauders and Horsemen- GW from Total Wargamer
Cost: £29.60
Money made back: £0
Werewolves- West Wind from Wayland Games
Cost: £7.20
Plastic Human Thrower- eBay seller
Cost: £1.50
Total Cost so far: £38.30
Total Regained so far: £0
Nice job so far mate!